Eparé Electric Milk Frother | Cappuccino Latte Coffee Foam Maker
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In the last few years, I have spent a lot of days and weeks and weekends in Germany, where I came to know the beauty of late morning wake ups and the frothy milk topped coffee from the home milk frother. No one I know US had one, but in Germany they are a common household item that you see everywhere.
I've had my eye on these for a while, and finally got this one. It is easy to use, has clear novice instructions on the back of the box and has an instruction manual inside if you need more re-assurance. I was easily able to froth 1/4-1/3 cup of iced vanilla latte into 3/4 cup in very little time. The recommendation of about 20 seconds is accurate. This frother has more than enough power to froth any drink you like in any volume you like.
The tip of the frother does spin, not vibrate, like a mini version of the hand held blenders that are popular. It worked perfectly and as hoped, and I expect to make lots of interesting hot chocolate and other hot/cold/mixed drinks in the days to come. It has a rubberized texture and was of the expected quality. I have attached a video to show the frothing power. Impressive!
If you have any questions please leave them below and I will answer them ASAP.
By a lot of hard hours and days and years of time spent reviewing, I found myself in the top 10 reviewers on Amazon. This wasn't a goal or self promotion, but by nose-down focused reviewing. I occasionally get contacted by manufacturers or sellers who appreciate my way of reviewing and ask if I'll consider reviewing a product for them, with no obligation or cost. This is one of those products. I assure you that I review what I want, when I want, how I want, in order to share what I feel is the most accurate useful information.