Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

Update International EP-12 Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher, 12-Ounce

Update International EP-12 Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher, 12-Ounce




Don't buy a frothing pitcher that doesn't have a pour spout! We love this pitcher and it pours without making a mess. 20oz is full to the top, so when making large lattes for two we usually end-up doing a pitcher and a half. If you regularly brew two large lattes, you might want a 32oz pitcher.

Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Breville 800ESXL 15-Bar Triple-Priming Die-Cast Espresso Machine

Breville 800ESXL 15-Bar Triple-Priming Die-Cast Espresso Machine




The Breville 800 ESXL is turning out to be one of the best buys I have ever madeBreville 800ESXL Commercial 15-Bar Triple-Priming Die-Cast Espresso Machine.

I had a Gaggia that produced great espresso when I first got it, but recently, it stopped creating any crema whatsoever. Water leaked from the steamer wand and the expresso head. It was time for a replacement.

I studied and studied and studied all the expresso makers and I knew I did not want to spend over $500 for a good pot. My goal was to find a great pot for under that amount. I read every review there is on the internet concerning the Breville 800 ESXL. People love it or hate it but if you read carefully, you may find as I did, that many of those who hate it, did not follow the directions as prescribed by Breville. They treated it like their old pot, however, the Breville 800 is a wonderful pot if used according to the instructions put out by Breville. And dare I say, that some of the others who did not like the pot sounded like coffee snobs who want perfection and had no right buying this machine and judging by standards that only a much more expensive machine could match.

If you want a truly outstanding expresso or cappuccino, the Breville 800 will do it for you, as long as you live up to your part of the bargain. The first thing you need are really good beans and fresh filtered water. Next is to really learn how to make expresso. You need to find the right grind and then stick with it. I have a Capresso Burr Grinder that works great for only $85. You need to learn the right amount of pressure to tamp the coffee (also, it does not hurt purchase a good metal tamp- the one they give you is only okay). You should get a thermometer to make sure your frothed milk is between 140 - 160 degrees and then learn how to froth milk. The cups should be warm and you will have some great coffee.

you may not get great coffee the first time out--- and maybe not the second, but the more you do it, critique what you did, and make adjustments, you will find that the difference between and excellent cup and a good cup has more to do with you than the machine. This is a hands-on machine (which I love about it). Like a cook using fresh ingredients, the results often lie in the art of the cook. It is the same with this machine. If you just want to turn it on and get a great cup of espresso, it may happen sometimes, but not always. It is up to you to make your shot the best. There is a learning curve to be sure, but the end result is fantastic - and for a great price. I was making great shot after great shot in about three days.

I was scared to death about my filters clogging as others have said, but I have found that the best thing you can do is to clean after every shot. it is not a big job to wipe down the nozzle, rinse out the pots and filters, and take the little tool they give you to keep the filters open and poke the hole once to keep it open for the next time. Takes all of a minute- maybe less. The result, great expresso, perfect crema, great frothed milk (once you acquire the knack of rothing), and a beautiful, sturdy machine that should last a long time with the kind of care I ask you to give it.

Some have complained about the temperature of the coffee. I too thought it was not hot enough the first few times I made the espresso, and then I read the manual. When you do what the manual says, the coffee is plenty hot --too hot actually. As for the time it takes to steam the milk, no longer than my Gaggia with a lot less mess. And about the "sloppy mess in the portafilter" and no dry puck ---- well, I would like a dry puck too, but the paper from Breville in the box tells you that the technology they use to get the coffee hot and with perfect crema will not give you the traditional dry puck. Expect it to be watery in the portafilter. just rinse it out when done and you are in business. I accept that and as a result I get great coffee. My machine is not a Rencilio, nor a Gaggia. It is a Breville and it does not have the dry puck--- but it does have great espresso that can be made within a minute or two of turning on the machine. And clean up takes less time than it did to heat up (under a minute).

It has a large well for water which is easy to fill, from the front and the back. it is very very easy to clean. It is sturdy and it looks great. There are so many cool things built in --- obviously thought went into the design. Some complain about it being loud. I have never met an espresso maker that is not loud. Oh yes, I saw one once but that machine cost $2,000 and was fully automatic. There was no joy in making an expresso with that---- no art to it. The machine does it all.

Now, for the weaknesses. I already told you to get another tamp. The one they give is not the greatest. Also, it has the very cool feature where it purges itself after each shot or steaming allowing the built up steam to flow to the overflow reservoir. (Actually this is a positive feature) but on the negative side it uses more water, but no big deal unless you are paying for bottled water. With my Gaggia, I was always afraid it was going to blow up on me. This steam pressure release is very cool and well thought out.

Needless to say, I am very happy with this machine. As you may be able to see, I am the kind of person who looks at what I have done and tries to make the next one better. For me, this machine does not disappoint.

Hopefully, this review has helped.

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Mr. Coffee BVMC-KG6-001 Single Serve Coffee Brewer Powered by Keurig Brewing Technology, Black

Mr. Coffee BVMC-KG6-001 Single Serve Coffee Brewer Powered by Keurig Brewing Technology, Black




Vine Customer Review of Free Product (What's this?) amznJQ.onReady('Airy', function() { Airy.embed({"installFlashButtonText":"Install Flash Player","contentTitle":null,"autoplayCutOffTimeSeconds":null,"ageGate":{"monthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"deniedPrompt":"We're sorry. You are not old enough to watch this video.","submitText":"Submit","prompt":"This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born?"},"videoAds":null,"videoUnsupportedPrompt":"Sorry, this video is unsupported on this browser.","desiredMode":"hybrid","swfUrl":"","isAutoplayEnabled":null,"installFlashPrompt":"Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video.","isLiveStream":null,"regionCode":"NA","contentId":null,"playbackErrorPrompt":"Sorry, an error has occurred while attempting video playback. Please try again later.","contentMinAge":null,"isForesterTrackingDisabled":null,"streamingUrls":[""],"parentId":"airy-player-container-mo389386LP2KB2","slateImages":{"":null},"foresterMetadataParams":{"client":"CustomerReviews","requestId":"0DWTHSYZVYHCXM1W22WH","marketplaceId":"ATVPDKIKX0DER","session":"000-0000000-0000000"}}); }); Length:: 5:17 Mins

I've been using a Keurig coffee maker for 3 or 4 years. It's just about the most convenient way to brew a fresh cup of coffee. It's never burnt tasting like coffee that's been sitting in a heated coffee pot for hours and it's always fresh.

Mr Coffee has take the K-cup and made their own brewer around the Keurig technology. This is a simple to operate brewer that lacks some of the features that the Keurig brewer has, but really this lacks little in the coffee making department.

This brewer has a 40 ounce water reservoir with a nice handle built-in. The handle helps you to take the reservoir off the machine and to help you guide it back on the base. There is also a removable lid on the reservoir. I usually leave the reservoir on the machine and refill it by pouring water into it from the top. If you are worried about spiling water all over the place doing that, then it's also easy to remove the reservoir and fill it while it's sitting on the counter.

Mr. Coffee recommend you use bottled or filtered water but not distilled or reverse osmosis water (which removes important minerals that can add an important taste quality to the water). I use tap water but using tap water carries some risk of having the machine eventually get clogged up with mineral deposits. You can run vinegar through the machine every few months if you think that could be a problem.

When you turn the machine on the first time, a pump pulls water into the heating tank inside the unit. This takes a few minutes for it to reach temperature. After the first cup is brewed, the next cup will be ready to brew much more quickly.

The controls are relatively simple. There is an on/off/brew button. Below the on/off button is an LED light that indicates the machine is pre-heating. Once pre-heating has occurred, that light goes off and a light goes on around the on/button to indicate that you may now brew a cup of coffee. Below that are 3 -LEDs indicating brew size: either 6, 8 or 10 ounces. Brew size is selected by pushing button directly below the LED indicator lights.

Normally the mahine will stay on indefinitely unless you turn it off. However there is a "hidden" setting that will turn the brewer off after 2 hours of inactivity and that is set by simultaneously pressing the brew size button and the on/off button for about 5 seconds.

Another nice feature is the "inside-the-machine" power cord storage area. I do need to point out that the power cord length is pretty stingy at only 25" long. I can see where that might be a problem in some areas where you might be thinking of placing this.

I really enjoy the convenience of having freshly brewed coffee at a moments notice. It is my impression that the coffee from the Mr. Coffee brewer is a little hotter than the coffee from my Keurig brewer, though it's close. And if you don't wish to have the ongoing expense of buying K-cups, there is a solution for that too... you can get something called the "My K-Cup" Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter that allows you to use your own coffee in a reuseable coffee filter. It's a real money saver. There are other options too that some people prefer, like the ekobrew Ekobrew Cup, Refillable Cup for Keurig K-cup Brewers, Brown, 1-Count

It's not quite perfect though. The cycle time between your ability to make the next cup of coffee is longer than with my Keurig. It takes about 30-40 seconds to brew a cup of coffee and then about a minute or so before you can begin to brew the next cup. Overall responsiveness of the brew button leaves something to be desired as sometimes when I press it, nothing happens.

I really like the ease of operation and appearance of the Mr. Coffee single cup coffee maker. It gets a lot of use in my house.

Jumat, 28 November 2014

Eparé Electric Milk Frother | Cappuccino Latte Coffee Foam Maker

Eparé Electric Milk Frother | Cappuccino Latte Coffee Foam Maker




amznJQ.onReady('Airy', function() { Airy.embed({"installFlashButtonText":"Install Flash Player","contentTitle":null,"autoplayCutOffTimeSeconds":null,"ageGate":{"monthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"deniedPrompt":"We're sorry. You are not old enough to watch this video.","submitText":"Submit","prompt":"This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born?"},"videoAds":null,"videoUnsupportedPrompt":"Sorry, this video is unsupported on this browser.","desiredMode":"hybrid","swfUrl":"","isAutoplayEnabled":null,"installFlashPrompt":"Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video.","isLiveStream":null,"regionCode":"NA","contentId":null,"playbackErrorPrompt":"Sorry, an error has occurred while attempting video playback. Please try again later.","contentMinAge":null,"isForesterTrackingDisabled":null,"streamingUrls":[""],"parentId":"airy-player-container-mo1I61C5MG8KUZ4","slateImages":{"":null},"foresterMetadataParams":{"client":"CustomerReviews","requestId":"0R33D4SPBR5MBV55Y14H","marketplaceId":"ATVPDKIKX0DER","session":"000-0000000-0000000"}}); }); Length:: 0:50 Mins

In the last few years, I have spent a lot of days and weeks and weekends in Germany, where I came to know the beauty of late morning wake ups and the frothy milk topped coffee from the home milk frother. No one I know US had one, but in Germany they are a common household item that you see everywhere.

I've had my eye on these for a while, and finally got this one. It is easy to use, has clear novice instructions on the back of the box and has an instruction manual inside if you need more re-assurance. I was easily able to froth 1/4-1/3 cup of iced vanilla latte into 3/4 cup in very little time. The recommendation of about 20 seconds is accurate. This frother has more than enough power to froth any drink you like in any volume you like.

The tip of the frother does spin, not vibrate, like a mini version of the hand held blenders that are popular. It worked perfectly and as hoped, and I expect to make lots of interesting hot chocolate and other hot/cold/mixed drinks in the days to come. It has a rubberized texture and was of the expected quality. I have attached a video to show the frothing power. Impressive!

If you have any questions please leave them below and I will answer them ASAP.

By a lot of hard hours and days and years of time spent reviewing, I found myself in the top 10 reviewers on Amazon. This wasn't a goal or self promotion, but by nose-down focused reviewing. I occasionally get contacted by manufacturers or sellers who appreciate my way of reviewing and ask if I'll consider reviewing a product for them, with no obligation or cost. This is one of those products. I assure you that I review what I want, when I want, how I want, in order to share what I feel is the most accurate useful information.

Minggu, 23 November 2014

Hamilton Beach 49983A 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker

Hamilton Beach 49983A 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker

Product Description

Product Packaging: Frustration-Free Packaging

Brew a whole carafe of coffee or brew right into a cup or travel mug

2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker (49983)

Sometimes time is short, and sometimes not. Perfect coffeemakers handle both. That’s Hamilton Beach’s 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker. This convenient 2-in-1 coffee maker brews a whole carafe of coffee or a single cup. So whether you are rushing off to work, or are enjoying the Sunday paper, you can have the right amount of coffee.

Product Feature Benefits:

  • Enjoy maximum brewing flexibility in minimum space (13.9”H x 10.63”W x 10.24”D)

  • Lets you brew a whole carafe of coffee or brew right into a cup or travel mug

  • Gives you the flexibility of brewing your cup with a single-serve pack or ground coffee

  • Adjustable cup rest fits a standard cup or up to a 14 oz. travel mug (not included)

  • Programmable timer with 2 hour automatic shutoff

Brewing cup with a single-serve pack

View larger

Versatile Brewing

The 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker maximizes your brewing flexibility and offers more brewing options than most coffeemakers. To start your day, you can use the "single-serve side" to brew into a standard-size cup or brew up to a 14 oz. travel mug. What’s more, you have the choice of brewing with a single-serve pack or your favorite ground coffee. On mornings when you want to enjoy cup after cup, or when you’re entertaining, the “carafe side” makes a full 12-cup pot. So much in so little space, the 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker provides maximum flexibility for your coffee-drinking enjoyment.

All this brewing flexibility won’t take over your whole countertop, either. At just 10.63 inches wide and (27 cm) and 10.24 inches (26 cm) deep, the 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker accomplishes a lot of things in a minimum amount of space. And you’ll find that at 13.9 inches (35.3) height, it’s even a bit shorter than many full-size coffeemakers.

Brew your cup with ground coffee

View larger

Easy To Use

The 2-Way FlexBrew Coffeemaker is designed to brew on one side at a time. To make your selection, simply turn the dial to the left or right. All accessories for brewing a single cup with a single-serve pack or ground coffee are included, and the multilevel cup rest adjusts to fit your standard cup or travel mug.

Whichever way you decide to brew, you can have a great-tasting cup of coffee whenever you need it. The single-serving side can brew an 8 oz. cup of coffee using a single-serve pack in 2 ½ minutes, and the carafe side is programmable up to 24 hours in advance with a two-hour auto shutoff and regular/bold brew strength settings.




Vine Customer Review of Free Product (What's this?) amznJQ.onReady('Airy', function() { Airy.embed({"installFlashButtonText":"Install Flash Player","contentTitle":null,"autoplayCutOffTimeSeconds":null,"ageGate":{"monthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"deniedPrompt":"We're sorry. You are not old enough to watch this video.","submitText":"Submit","prompt":"This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born?"},"videoAds":null,"videoUnsupportedPrompt":"Sorry, this video is unsupported on this browser.","desiredMode":"hybrid","swfUrl":"","isAutoplayEnabled":null,"installFlashPrompt":"Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video.","isLiveStream":null,"regionCode":"NA","contentId":null,"playbackErrorPrompt":"Sorry, an error has occurred while attempting video playback. Please try again later.","contentMinAge":null,"isForesterTrackingDisabled":null,"streamingUrls":[""],"parentId":"airy-player-container-mo2FEC11Z1YOO3T","slateImages":{"":null},"foresterMetadataParams":{"client":"CustomerReviews","requestId":"17AMAS5R8P6NRNE1DSCM","marketplaceId":"ATVPDKIKX0DER","session":"000-0000000-0000000"}}); }); Length:: 4:18 Mins

Here's what comes with this Hamilton Beach coffeemaker:

* coffee maker

* 12-cup carafe

* basket that takes cupcake-style coffee filters for ground coffee

* tray for making individual servings of coffee with two inserts: one insert is used for ground coffee or coffee "pods", the second insert is for K-Cup coffee packs

* manual and quick-start guide

Note that the individual travel coffee mug shown in the picture on the box is not included.

This coffeemaker allows you to make coffee how you like it--a full pot or just an individual cup. And you can use coffee grounds or K-Cups or coffee "pods". Also, when making a pot of coffee you can program the time you want the coffee to be made.

In the video I show the various options and features of this Hamilton Beach coffeemaker, as well as demonstrate making a cup of coffee.

After using this coffeemaker for a while, I'm happy with it, as it gives me more flexibility than my previous coffeemaker, which only brewed a carafe at a time. Also, I've been wanting to try one of those K-Cup coffeemakers, and so this unit gives me the best of both worlds.

Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Mr. Coffee MWBLK Mug Warmer

Mr. Coffee MWBLK Mug Warmer

Product Description

Keep your favorite mug of coffee, tea or cocoa hot when you want it. Convenient on/off switch with on light indicator. Extended cord length to use almost anywhere. This will be your favorite gadget!




This product is perfect. It does exactly what it claims to do...keeps your beverage warm. It won't be boiling hot, but it will be at a drinkable temperature until you are done. The chord is long enough and gives a decent range of use. I like to sip the same cup of coffee for hours while I am working, reading or studying and now I never have to microwave it again. I have noticed that it doesn't do as good of a job when the mug is full, but the end of the cup will be quite hot. Well worth the price.

Jumat, 14 November 2014

Mr. Coffee BVMC-SJX33GT 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, Chrome

Mr. Coffee BVMC-SJX33GT 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, Chrome




Purchased this coffee maker at local retailer after trying but returning a KitchenAid with thermal carafe. The Mr Coffee is 1/2 the price and twice the function. The optional thermal carafe can be substituted for the glass carafe and the machine automatically detects the carafe and adjusts by turning the hot plate on (glass) or off (thermal. Has all the functions of the best coffee makers. Makes great coffee at a temperature that is hot enough to make the coffee taste good without being so hot that it burns the coffee. I have had some issues with Mr Coffee designs in other older machines but this machine seems to be well designed. As an example, the water spout that delivers hot water to the coffee grounds is automatically placed over the coffee when the cover is closed. (You must move the spout to remove the coffee grounds basket and this feature ensures that it is always placed back at the proper location. The option of glass for 12 cups or thermal for 8 cups of coffee allows great flexibility. I highly recommend this coffee maker.

Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Hamilton Beach 40870 Stainless Steel 10-Cup Electric Kettle

Hamilton Beach 40870 Stainless Steel 10-Cup Electric Kettle




So after spending a little over a week searching for a suitable kettle I have definitely found the perfect match. I recently received a 6 cup teapot and wanted to keep it in my room along with an electric kettle to replace going into the kitchen and brewing cup after cup of tea.

My criteria

- Stainless steel with as little plastic contact as possible.

- Hidden heating element.

- Simple functions, the less bells and whistles the less to break

- Good spout

- Inexpensively priced.

What I like about this kettle:

- It met all my criteria.

- After brewing and discarding 4 kettle fulls there is no discernible aftertaste.

- No plastic contact inside, there is a plastic water level but it isn't in direct contact with the largest body of water in the kettle. Also, the tube for the boiling shut off is made from stainless as well, not plastic which is really nice.

- Is real metal not just plasticy coated metal imitator I saw on a few of the models.

- The inside bottom is a stainless plate with the heating element underneath making clean up easy.

- The outside bottom is plastic and gets warm not burning hot so it can be placed onto a surface.

- Slides onto the base easily.

- Auto shutoff works well.

What worries me: I say worries because it isn't a problem right now but may be a few months down the line.

- The lid opens with a button which if it breaks could potentially be a problem, not to fill the kettle as the spout provides adequate room to fill it with, but to clean it.

- After two brews i took the little filter out. I am using it only to heat water and only with filtered water so to me it seems unnecessary.

- The switch at the bottom, it doesn't seem flimsy per say but it does seem to be a little loose, its not a push button so I worry it may give out.

Duh, or common sense things that people seem to have an issue with:

- It gets hot. Yes. It's supposed to. Since the body is stainless steel, which is a good conductor of heat, it will be hot. The handle provides ample room to grab though.

- It will be heavy if completely full. Yes, water in larger amounts does get heavy. The kettle itself isn't much heaver than a standard coffee carafe so it should not add much to the overall weight.

- It can be a bit loud. Its boiling water, the kettle doesn't have any sound or heat insulation so yes you will be able to hear it. Honestly for me its not really a bother. The kettle sits on its own table next to my desk and I find it kind of soothing. Plus if I am heating water for green tea or white tea I can listen in and shut it off before it comes full boil.

- Along those lines, if you leave water in it for some time yes the water will cool. It is not a warmer nor is it a thermos that will keep it to the same temperature all day.


I am very satisfied with this product. I have already recommended it to several people and it has been serving me well. Its not a fancy appliance so it does its job and doesn't require a tremendous effort on my part which was exactly what I was looking for.

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Keurig K45 Elite Brewing System, Black

Keurig K45 Elite Brewing System, Black




Somehow, my wife and I missed the Keurig train. Despite being serious coffee drinkers (I probably approach 4-5 cups on a normal day) and despite owning a Bialetti, a French press and of course a drip machine, we simply never got around to buying a Keurig. Well all of that changed when we found ourselves with enough store credit on returns to finally buy one. We've had it for a little while now (and are familiar enough with the Keurig system through friends and family) and definitely have some thoughts to share!



Though this is our first Keurig, we have been around many in the past. The build quality and construction is very similar to the other popular Keurig machines, as far as I can tell. I remember my parents investing in one of the first Keurigs for their office, and I do agree with other reviews; there has been some degradation in overall quality. We made the decision that convenience was what we were looking for, and I really think this model does that at an acceptable price. The K45 Elite includes three brewing sizes: small, medium and large (6oz., 8oz. and 10oz.), chosen by pressing one of the buttons on the top of the machine. This model also includes an auto-off power-saving mode (2 hours) that can be activated or deactivated by pressing the button on the control panel - this setting is saved after the machine turns off so you only have to set it once. This model also comes with a new carbon-filter system (more on that in the Q&A). One small but important feature is the removable drip tray. This allows you to use a taller mug/thermos/travel cup without having to hold it the whole time at an angle. More on these details later. The K45 Elite also feature QuietBrew technology, something I was pretty skeptical about at first. Compared to other older generations, however, I did notice this to be somewhat quieter. I didn't feel as though the older models were particularly loud, but then again I'm not waking up at 4AM to go to work either so it's possible that this is a God-send for some people.

The reservoir holds 48oz. of water, although to be honest I feel like I'm constantly filling it (okay, I drink wayyy too much coffee). Still, it's a decent size, easily removed and if it were any bigger the Keurig would look unbalanced in terms of aesthetics, so I understand the reasoning behind it. After just a little bit of "thinking", I find that this model brews pretty quickly (around 1 minute total) although I wish that the "add water" warning would come on BEFORE you try to brew a cup. My wife was running out of the door for work and despite looking like it had at least a cup in it, the "add water" LED came on after I pressed it. Needless to say, my wife went to work coffee-less that day.



Here's what I love about the Keurig: it makes GREAT coffee every time. As long as you have the right K-Cups, you are almost guaranteed a well-brewed cup of coffee without grounds or that burnt taste you get after an hour of it sitting on the hot plate. I'm also pretty pleased that it makes tea and other hot beverages (cocoa) without needing to be cleaned out first. After brewing four cups of coffee we ran a tea K-Cup through it and it tasted as good as it would have boiling the water in a kettle.

I'm a bold drinker myself, as is my wife, but we do have family that will only drink lighter roasts - I really love being able to offer everyone whatever they like best without anyone having to settle for whatever is in the pot at that time. This also goes for the few times we want decaf - usually we buy a bag of decaf that will sit for weeks before I'm in the mood for a late-night coffee...we've thrown away jars of the stuff before, now I just pull out the K-Cup I want!



I contacted Keurig directly with a couple of questions, and have provided their (paraphrased) answers below with their permission:

Q: With the new filter system, has the descaling process changed?

A: No, the carbon filter system is there to purify the water for taste, however it will not remove trace minerals and you will need to descale the Keurig when necessary.

Q: Does that mean that if you use your own filtered water, say from a Brita pitcher, you don't need to use the filters?

A: That is correct.

Q: I've seen reports of K-Cups and accessories for the Keurig system damaging it - would this be covered by the warranty?

A: Only Keurig-licensed K-Cups and accessories are covered by our warranty - you will see "Keurig Brewed" on the product's packaging. Without this notation we can of course offer diagnosis and repair, but it may not be covered by the warranty.

Q: Does using a Keurig (any model) provide any savings over a traditional drip coffee maker?

A: Given the wide variety of drip coffee makers available, it wouldn't be fair to give you an answer without proper research.*



Well, I appreciate the CS Rep's answer - I wouldn't want a guess of an answer anyway. Lucky for us, Energy Star has done the research for us. According to a 2011 study collecting data from numerous energy-related organizations, single-serve coffee machines offer substantial estimated energy savings over traditional hot-plate (drip) coffee makers. Of course, a lot depends on your usage (how often do you use it, how soon do you turn it off etc.) but overall their findings state that single-serve coffee makers like the Keurig offer between 43-45% energy savings per year. For my wife and I, this is a significant figure...especially after switching to LED lightbulbs to save on our electric bill.

The report also states that "reducing the duration of the active mode is the first and very simple efficiency measure to consider." The new 2-hour auto-off feature on the Keurig is a little lengthy compared to what EnergyStar suggests (30m-1hr), but is absolutely a welcome feature. I will link to the report in the comments so you can take a look.

Personally though I know the Keurig system by design does incur waste in terms of using more plastic, more places are offering Keurig recycling bins where you can drop off your empty Keurig pods for recycling. The energy savings potential was enough to justify the additional waste in our minds, and if you are super concerned about recycling, the Brooklyn Beanery uses Plastic #5 cups that are 100% recyclable.



+ Convenient

+ Brews great coffee

+ Variety. Variety. Variety.

+ Includes filter system for those who don't have filtered water

+ Offers substantial energy savings depending on your habits

If you've decided you want a Keurig, I highly recommend this model. It is simple, efficient and makes a great cup of coffee. I would, however, advise on reading the negative reviews found on this site - many of them are well-written and contain stories about what happens when the Keurig does NOT work as designed. Personally I have yet to encounter any issues, but will update this review in six months or whenever something goes wrong.



I thought I would add a few of our coffee suggestions to this review - these are some of our favorite K-Cups!

Dark, full body drinkers: Caribou Coffee Obsidian (YUM.)

Medium roast-lovers, plenty of flavor: Newman's Own Medium Roast

Light roast drinkers: Green Mountain Coffee Breakfast Blend

For people who like variety: Brooklyn Beans Variety Pack (note: not licensed)

Decaf-extraordinaire: Timothy's Decaf Colombian