The company designs manufactures markets and services a full line of ford cars trucks suvs electrified vehicles and lincoln luxury vehicles provides financial services through ford motor credit company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification autonomous. Images video and audio from this web site are provided without login for the purpose of editorial use only.
Ford werke gmbh has strategic alliances with streetscooter gmbh.

Ford werke europa. Ford motor company is a global company based in dearborn michigan. The earliest presence of the ford motor company in germany was a parts operation set up in hamburg in 1912. Ford werke gmbh is a german car manufacturer headquartered in niehl cologne north rhine westphalia and a subsidiary of ford of europe which in turn is a subsidiary of ford motor company berlin origins.
The company was founded in 1925 and is based in cologne germany. Company organisation name ford werke cologne initiative name employee work and care group about the company organisation ford werke gmbh in cologne has been the headquarters of the us based ford motor company in germany since 1931. Ford of europe was founded in 1967 by the merger of the british german and irish divisions of the ford motor company.
Traktoren wurden in den werken antwerpen in belgien und basildon im vereinigten königreich gefertigt. 375k followers 243 following 784 posts see instagram photos and videos from ford europe at fordeurope. Die fertigung von ford traktoren in europa wurde nach dem verkauf der abteilung an fiat 1993 eingestellt und der name wurde von ford new holland in new holland geändert.
Axz plan pricing including axz plan option pricing is exclusively for eligible ford motor company employees friends and family members of eligible employees and ford motor company eligible partners. 634k followers 322 following 1171 posts see instagram photos and videos from ford deutschland at forddeutschland. New holland gehört heute zu cnh global.
Ford werke gmbh operates as a subsidiary of ford motor company. Since 1998 it has been the headquarters of ford of europe. The front engined ford transit range of panel vans launched in 1965 was the first formal co operation between the two entities simultaneously developed to replace the german ford taunus transit and the british ford thames 400eprior to this the two companies avoided.
In march 2010 17300 employees were working at this location more than 50 of whom worked in. Multimedia license agreement please read carefully. See your ford or lincoln dealer for complete details and qualifications.
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